Friday, March 16, 2012

Goods and Services Galore

We set off on a little walking adventure this morning - to find out all about the goods and services that surround our school.  Dr. Deford explained about the services that she provides as a dentist and we watched lots of yummy cookies being made and decorated at Eileen's Cookies (that's one good that is really GOOD!). At Sport's Clips students learned that some businesses provide both goods and services, information that was useful when we visited Village Inn, which also provides goods and services.   The kids LOVED getting in the freezer and seeing where everything is made at a restaurant.  Many wonderful questions were asked and answered.  My favorite tidbit of the day is that on Thanksgiving Village Inn made 600 pies and sold them all.  WOW!!

Dr. DeFord at DeFord Dental

Checking out where the pies are made at Village Inn.

Hey!  That cookie looks like our friend Lucky!  At Eileen's Cookies

Angie taught us all about the business of cutting hair - did you know you have to have a license for that?

Who wouldn't want to be a cookie maker when they grow up?

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