Friday, February 7, 2014

OUR MVP EMILY (the last one for the year!!)

I've had a great week being MVP.  I like when we get to make words out of my name.  Some of the words we made were mime, maze, are, and yum.  I got to share my poster the first day.  I got to bring five show and tells.  I brought my snow globe, my favorite book, "Night, Night Emily", a ball of clay I made.  I also brought a rainbow bracelet I made.  The snow day on Wednesday I did not do my WORDLE because we weren't here.  We did it today.  Today we got to do my MVP paper.  The MVP paper is when you get to say something nice about the person who is the MVP.  I loved being MVP but now it over.  That makes me sad because there is no more MVP's to do for the year so there will be no more papers or we won't get to see any more show and tells.  I am also feeling excited because I get to eat lunch with my mom!

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