Thursday, December 12, 2013

Adejctives About Us

Adjectives are words that describe a noun - a person, place or thing.  As we have been studying adjectives in grammar and character traits in reading, we have talked a lot about words that can describe people.  In need of a bit of pick me up for our psyches and our classroom, we decided to make adjectives posters for our friends!  Each person's poster was laid on their desk.  We then played the game "Scoot" to fill the posters with adjectives.  Each person began at the desk to their right.  They wrote a positive adjective that described that person on the poster.  When the teacher said "scoot" they moved to the next desk and repeated the activity.  The one (really hard) rule was that you couldn't write the same adjectives on a poster that someone else had written.  By the end of the scoot game the kids were scrambling for words!  Good thing I had an adjective list ready!!  :)  Mrs. Heath

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