Sunday, December 11, 2011

Week 17 - Indoor Recess Fun (and a little artwork too!)

This week we enjoyed our first dose of indoor recess!  While the temperature was within an acceptable range, the snow left us a VERY ice playground that wasn't safe for our little feet!  After a few kids (and Mrs. Heath) slipped we decided to stay inside for a day or two until the ice melted.  We were blessed to be able to enjoy our new recess games, courtesy of very giving families.  I love that it allows the students a chance to work together and build lifelong social skills.  Losing, playing fair, and taking turns are all great life lessons that can be learned from playing games.  Plus, having unstructured play time is an important thing.  Too often we "structure" every minute of our kid's lives.  Having recess, either indoor or outdoor, is athe perfect opportunity for them to enjoy their lives as  kids.  So -- play away!!

I am also posting a picture of our holiday bulletin board.  We talked about how our actions are like lights that others can see.  We want to make our lights shine, just like the beautiful holiday lights during this season. Each child wrote one thing that they could do to make their lights shine.  I love the fabulous decisions that they make each day to be a good to each other.  What an awesome example they set for each of us!
Happy Holidays to all!

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