Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Scoot, Scoot, Scootin' Along

I have found the best teaching tool EVER... a simple game called Scoot.  I have to give credit to all the fabulous teachers on Pinterest and on the many teaching blogs that I waste spend time on for enlightening me. 

 The game is simple:  You create a series of cards for practicing whatever skill you are working on (or find ones already made by above mentioned teachers extraordinaire).  The cards might have math problems, grammar practice, spelling or language practice, or even vocabulary questions.  You place one card on each desk, in numerical order.  Students have an answer sheet, which for me is just numbered notebook paper, that they take along with them. 

 Each student begins at their assigned number, reads the question on that desk, and records their answer.  After enough time has passed that all (or most) students have answered their question, say SCOOT.  The students then move on the next card numerically.   So if they were one 18, they scoot over to 19, while the child on 19 scoots over to 20, and 20 to 21, 21 back to 1, and so on.  You can continue scooting the kiddos until they have had the opportunity to complete each card OR until you've had enough and/or are out of time! (The out of time thing happened to us today.  You would have thought that I'd beaten up Santa the way my teammates reacted!)

My kiddos LOVE LOVE LOVE this game!  I love that it serves as both an instructional tool and a movement break at the same time.  I'm sure we'll be playing many versions of this throughout the year. 
Students work on determining if their card is a complete sentence or not!

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