Sunday, February 5, 2012

Specialist Heath Visit Our Class


On Wednesday afternoon my first grade friends and I got a special surprise; Specialist Ben Heath, newly returned from serving his country in Afghanistan, dropped in for a visit.  Ok, I’ll admit it – it wasn’t a SURPRISE to me, but it sure was to the kids!  Ben took time to show off some of his medals…

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give us a world geography lesson (the red line shows how he got to Afghanistan)…

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and of course answered our questions.  Even using images from Google to show us what a Chinook helicopter looked like and a qualot (Afghani mud house).

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The kids asked some wonderful questions about Afghanistan and how it differed from Nebraska.  They also asked some other interesting questions like…Why do you have Mrs. Heath’s name on your uniform?  Do you like playing with Barbies?  Do you like Hello Kitty?  and of course Did you know Mrs. Heath drew a picture of you with a big head and a big nose?


Thanks for coming Specialist Heath.  We had a great time learning from you!

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