Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 6- Test, Test, Test, Test.... and Oh Yeah...Test!!

We have been Frolicking in 1st Grade for 6 weeks now and it is time to ASSESS what we have learned!  Assessment is not just the "Fancy Nancy" word for a test, it is really a better word to describe what we do!  I am not really "testing" the students but are assessing their learning to determine what still needs to be taught.  The word test implies a one time event where you either get it or don't.  My philosophy, and that of our district, is to use assessment to determine what the students know and what they still need to learn.  We do not assess and then just move on; students will continue to receive instruction in the material if needed. 

Now that you have had a little "assessment" tutorial of your own...What exactly have we been assessing this week?  Students completed their first social studies unit this past week and were given a social studies assessment and an oral speaking assessment over community helpers.  All students were also given their first math assessment which covered numbers to 20 and the concept of addition.  This one was a bit more difficult as they had to EXPLAIN in writing what strategies they use when they are adding!  They also had their third math fact assessment over combinations of 5 (or 6 if they had previously passed 5).  Finally, students were given individual reading benchmark tests to determine their instructional and frustration reading levels. 

I am happy to say that overall students ROCKED their assessments!  They have learned a lot in our 6 short weeks together and we all have a lot more to learn.  I'm grateful for assessments that remind me how much my 1st grade friends are learning and growing!  :)  I will be sharing all of these assessments with you at conferences in two weeks.  I can't wait, can you???
Mrs. Heath doing her "Happy Dance"

Mrs. Heath


Garrett said...

I like the reading test. I like the book I read, it was all about senses. I also really liked our field trip. I was glad that I was in your group Mrs. Heath!


Darcy Heath said...

I am glad you were in my group for the field trip too! I am so proud of you and the effort you are making in ALL your subjects. :)

Mrs. Heath