Part of our 2nd grade social studies standards including understanding the rights and responsibilities of American citizens. One of the most important rights we have is the right to vote. Students got to learn about this right first hand by participating in a classroom election.
We decided to elect a class mascot. Our mascot would be a stuffed animal that would represent our class and what we stand for. The three candidates were: Peace, Glory, and Kicks.

In preparation for the election, students worked together to create platforms for the mascots. What exactly did each character stand for? They then created posters and gave speeches outlining the platforms. They did a fantastic job making the platforms meaningful and appropriate for our classroom - Glory stood for being an American and being patriotic, Kicks for good sportsmanship, and Peace for everyone getting along.
Students practiced voting privately and then we read the votes. The winner is Glory! It was a wonderful lesson in rights and one that I hope will serve the students for the rest of their lives.
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