I then challenged the kiddos to write their OWN cause and effect story, titled "If You Give a 2nd Grader a Crayon." Check out a few of our FABULOUS stories below!!
If You Give a 2nd Grader a Crayon
By: Kate
If you give a 2nd grader a crayon, he'll want a piece of paper.
When you give him a piece of paper, he'll draw a bat.
And a bat will remind him of a haunted house so he'll want you to take him to a haunted house.
When he's at the haunted house, he'll scream so loud he loses his voice.
When he's at the doctor's to get back his voice back, it'll remind him of the beach.
So he'll ask to go to the beach.
At the beach he'll make a sandcastle.
Then he'll go in it and pretend he's eating.
That'll make him hungry so he'll want to go home and eat.
When he's done eating he'll want a piece of paper.
And chances are, the second grader will want a crayon to go with it.
If You Give a 2nd Grader a Crayon
By: Katie
If you give a 2nd grader a crayon, he'll ask for a piece of paper.
When you give him the paper, he'll draw on the paper.
When he gets done with the picture then he will ask for some tape.
He'll use the tape to make a paper airplane.
When he thinks of the paper airplane he wants to ride on a airplane.
When you ride the airplane, he'll see a beach so he'll ask to go to the beach.
When he plays at the beach he'll feel weak so he'll ask to go to the gym.
He'll bring up that he's teh strongest person in the world and he bragged so much he will end up in jail.
Then he won't like it so he'll do a jail break and it works and he becomes a master mind villain. Then he'll notice that being a villain is bad so then he'll end up back at his home.
Then he'll probably ask for a crayon.
If You Give a 2nd Grader a Crayon
By: I'm a really great writer who didn't put my name on my paper
If you give a 2nd grader a crayon he'll want a piece of paper to go with it.
That will remind him of the nationwide coloring contest.
He'll want you to enter him.
When you enter him he'll want a leprechaun to color.
When you get the leprechaun he will want to go look for four leaf clovers.
That will remind him of a green crayon and sure enough
he will ask for a crayon and chances are he will want some paper.
If You Give a 2nd Grader a Crayon
By: Kitt
If you give a 2nd grader a crayon she'll want a paper to go with it.
When you give her a paper, she'll want to draw some pictures.
The pictures she drew will remind her of the park.
When you get tot the park she'll see some boats.
And when she sees some boats she'll want you to row the boat.
When you row the boat, she'll see some fish.
Once she saw the fish it will remind her of the pet store and she would like a goldfish.
Once she sees the goldfish she'll want to draw the goldfish.
Ohhh...she left her crayons at home
and chances are you'll have to give her a crayon.
If You Give a 2nd Grader a Crayon
By: Ryan
If you give a 2nd grader a crayon, he will probably ask for a paper to go with it.
That 2nd grader will probably draw him on that paper.
After that paper's filled, he'll probably want to draw on the walls.
After those walls are filled, he'll probably ask for another paper and marker.
When he gets that paper and marker he'll draw a poster for a free concert at Ralston Arena tonight at 11:55.
He'll probably hang up his poster by some posts.
After he does that he'll probably ask to go to the concert.
That's if you give a 2nd grader a crayon.
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