In our second grade classroom there is no required homework, however there are things that you can do at home to help your child succeed in 2nd grade. Please keep in mind that your child should be spending no more than 30 minutes a night TOTAL on these activities. They need plenty of time to relax, spend time with family, exercise, and participate in other activities. Above all else -- remember to keep it fun! If homework or practice at home is causing stress for you or your child, please email me or give me a call so that we can visit about it and come up with a solution. Thanks for your continued help and support from home.
:) Mrs. Heath
Homework Packet: In your child's BEE Binder there is a list of activities that you can do at home to practice writing, math, and reading with your child. I have included a large variety of activities that appeal to all learning styles -- including many hands-on games and activities. One thing that would be beneficial to practice each week is the weekly sight words. There will be a list in the BEE Binder and you will also receive flash cards at curriculum night in August.
Take Home Book Bags: I have compiled 30 Take Home Book Bags that your child may checkout and bring home each week. Each of these book bags includes a selection of books, games, and activities for your family to enjoy. The book are thematic with themes varying from Pirates to Dr. Seuss to Wacky Weather. While your family is completing the activities and reading the books your child is practicing important skills!
Individual Book Bags: Students will be given book bags that contain books to read at home. Some of the books will be "easy" and some "hard" but most will be at their independent level. Please read the books and then return the bag to school when you are ready for new ones. I'd like the bags returned a minimum of once a week to keep books in rotation with all of the kiddos. *Please note that the individual book bags will begin coming home later in the fall*