Sunday, September 30, 2012

Blogging Fun

Well, this blog is a bit late - but better late than never I say!

The students are having a BALL blogging on their own blogs at Kid Blog.  They are learning about how to leave POSITIVE comments for one another, ask questions,  and how to respond to questions.  I love that many of them are taking the opportunity to get on at home and update their blogs and that some of our parents are too!

If you haven't taken the opportunity to visit your child's blog yet, please do.  Remember that in order to see anything you will need to be logged in.  This feature protects our kiddos from the world outside of our classroom.  If you need me to resend you the log in information, please let me know.

Our blogging pictures are from our first blogging experience on September 11th - thus the better late than never reference! 

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