Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We LOVE Science!

Investigating the materials from our unit.
Experimenting with air.
Jonas' "I Think, I Wonder" entry
I honestly think that the kids would be thrilled if I just spent all day teaching science!!  They are absolutely LOVING our unit on air and wind and we've only done one experiment so far! They had a bag of items that they used to experiment with air.  Air was blown through straws, balls were rolling all around the floor, balloons were emptied of air to make feathers fly, and foam balls were stuck in balloons and then the balloons blown up with an air pump. Hands on learning at it's best!  They are going to love it even more tomorrow when they try to keep a paper towel in a vial dry after submerging it in water.  What I am loving the most is that our new science curriclum engages all of them, and not only when they are doing the experiments.  The writing in their science notebooks is phenomenal as well.  Take a look at our first few days of science and I'll be sure and post more pictures soon!


Mrs. Heath
Hard at work writing in our Science Notebooks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love science! Science is fun!