It was a chilly, damp day on Friday but we headed out to see the vehicles anyway! Students LOVED that they got to get in and check things out up close and personal. Here are a few of their observations from the day.
I hugged Dollar Dog. - Garrett
We sat in the limo. - Meredith
I sat in the mailman's truck. - ? Forgot to put their name on! ?
I like the Cox Car and the plumbers car. - Macie
I go to the Fed Ex truck. - Sophie
I loved the zoo car. - Elle
My third favorite was the fancy police car. - Ben
I honked the big truck's horn. - Ethan
I like the fire truck. - Zak
My other favorite was the corvette. - Hunter (? Must of missed that one!?)
I got to get in the limo. - Jade
I liked when we went on the bus. - Amy

We got to see a K-9 Unit. - Jonas
I like the big truck. - Mya

I like all the cop cars. - Dannika